
The guest soundtrack
The guest soundtrack

Most releases are free to listen on streaming platforms. Please do not share pirated or leaked content posts and comments containing download links will be removed without notice. If you're not posting original content, don't forget to include the credit and source link in post title, description or in first comment. Otherwise your posts might get removed or your access to the sub might be restricted. If you are a music producer or any other kind of content maker, please post your original content in reasonable amounts. Please check before posting if the content has been around recently or not. Enjoy the music and aesthetic regardless of your political views. We are not affiliated to any political movements. Applies to Photos, video's,, customizations, battlestations and similar content. If your post is just about a specific color scheme or fits under a different aesthetic its likely to be deleted.

the guest soundtrack

Neon filter & purple ambient light does not make the aesthetic. Low-effort content including "Accidental outrun" or "This gives me that outrun feeling" might be removed without notice.

the guest soundtrack

Please post content that you think is really worth sharing with other members. Unrelated content including "Someone told me to post this here" posts might be removed without notice.

the guest soundtrack

Please keep to the theme of the sub: check if your content retro-related or inspired before posting. Ever questioned: Is this outrun? It always is on /r/outruncirclejerk. Check it out! Help with editing the wiki is much appreciated! <3Īll your hottest outrun related garbage can go on /r/outruncirclejerk. We are also working on the synthwave wiki. If reading is not your thing, check out this image of the Synthwave Essentials Chart.įollow the /r/outrun twitter for updates on AMA's and other cool news. r/outrun is a general community dedicated to the synthwave music scene, a revisionist 80s music style of synthesizers and pulsing beats, and the retrofuturist 80s aesthetic of fast cars, neon lights and chrome.įirst time here? Check out this article.

The guest soundtrack